Robert Hooks


Born: April 18, 1937  – Foggy Bottom, Washington, D.C.

Spouse: Lorrie Marlow (m. 2008) 


Robert Hooks and Lorrie Marlow

Lorrie Marlow-Surprises ROBERT HOOKS @ DC Black Repertory Company’s 50th (2021)


As a surprise for her husband Robert Hooks who – after founding The Group Repertory Company and NY’s Negro Ensemble Company – created the DC Black Repertory Company to help heal his hometown after the insurrection following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. — Lorrie was asked to record a surprise message for him before he was honored on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the DCBRC.


“He grows oranges, cooks the most amazing 4th of July hotdogs-with-everything, and LOOKS GORGEOUS AS HE DOES IT ALL!” Lorrie Marlow

The Children:

Kevin Hooks, Eric Hooks, Christopher Michael Carter, Cecilia Ann Hooks Onibudo, Kiyo Dean Tarpley Hooks, Robert (Rob) Hooks, Jr. 


“‘All My Sons’. Now, out in the real world- and doing great things!…(left-to-right) Kevin Peale, Christopher Michael, Kiyo Dean, Dad, Eric Dean, and Robert Dean Hooks Jr. (aka Rob Hooks) in the middle below.” – “This is a very rare photo of me and ALL my guys!  Visiting from the East, and it was the only time (EVER!) we were all together at once! What a great time, and it truly warmed my heart to have them ALL!. They are all older now, (all but one, fathers now themselves.) Needless to say, I am one very proud Dad, to witness their growth into brilliant and fruitful manhood!… Love ya guys!


“Throwback photo of me and three of “the boys” (Hollywood circa 1978) top to bottom: Dad, Eric, Christopher, and little Robbie! Oh! the fun we shared, I am one lucky Dad. They’re all grown up now and doing wonderful stuff. This is one of my favorite shots!” 


Kevin and I, in separate prime-time TV films in the same week.

Kevin, Christopher, and Dad. 

“As an actor, there is no better feeling or experience than being directed in a major movie by your son! And as a father, there are no words to express the pride I feel watching him on set applying his art as a filmmaker. Here in this photo are three generations of Hooks relaxing on the film set of “Passenger 57″ (circa 1992.) On the left is Eric Hooks, on the right is (Director) Kevin Hooks, and Dad in the middle holding (Eric’s ‘little man’) Jordan Hooks!… What a fabulous time that was for me and my guys!.. Plus the movie was a big hit and a great beginning of Kevin’s career as a director!”

Well, I don’t remember the setting for this one- but I sure like it!. And I’m so proud of the guy sitting next to me, who has gone on to do incredibly wonderful work as an artist in American film and television. My “number one” son Kevin Peale Hooks…yes! that’s right Peale!” – Robert Hooks

University System of the state of Maryland, made the first in its history, granting two simultaneous degrees of “Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa) to a father and son team of America’s Black theatre movement, Robert and Kevin Hooks. With Robert Hooks – Degree Ceremony at Maryland’s Bowie State University in May of 2000, where I was the ‘Class of 2000’ keynote speaker. On that occasion, my son Kevin Hooks and I received our Doctor of Humane Letters Degrees (Honoris Causa).