Tag: Virginia Capers

Mary Seymour

  MARY  SEYMOUR by DALE RICARDO SHIELDS President of A ‘Dish’ Tunes LLC Music Publishing, and CEO of Barnett Group International (All Media Entertainment company), Mary Seymour graduated in 2018 with Honors at Stony Brook University/ Africana Studies: Mary is a Stoney Brooks University grad student Africana Studies Masters of Arts and eventually Ph.D. Africana …

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The Mammy Archetype‏: A Black Maiden Syndrome

Media Depictions of the Mammy Archetype by Dale Ricardo Shields‏ The Mammy archetype is one of the most notable Black stereotypes and caricatures which exist in American culture. “In reality, the pancake mix was the creation of two White men in Missouri, and they named it after a character in a minstrel song, not an …

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Lorraine Vivian Hansberry

Lorraine Vivian Hansberry Playwright, Activist, and Author Lorraine Hansberry was the youngest American playwright ever to win the Best American Play Award from the New York Drama Critics’ Circle for A Raisin in the Sun. Her other works include The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window and Les Blancs.  By Dale Ricardo Shields (c) All Rights Reserved …

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