Category: History

Iforcolor takes a look back into history.

The Shields Brothers Gospel Singers (Family)

THE  SHIELDS  BROTHERS The Shields Brothers, a mainstay of Cleveland’s gospel music scene for more than seventy years.  by Dale Ricardo Shields   “There is a silence into which the world can not intrude. There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost. There is a sense of holiness in you …

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The Civil Radical Battles of the Black American Soldier

  The Civil Radical Wars of the Black American Soldier by  DALE  RICARDO  SHIELDS  “Throughout America’s history, from the Battle of Lexington to the Battle of Fallujah, Black Soldiers have honorably answered the call to duty, serving with great valor and distinction in America’s armed forces. The Army story cannot be told without reflecting on the historical …

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The Devil’s Punchbowl

THE DEVIL’S PUNCHBOWL by Dale Ricardo Shields “The Devil’s Punchbowl is a place located in Natchez, Mississippi where during the Civil War; authorities forced tens of thousands of freed slaves to live in concentration camps. Westbrook adds that “The Union army did not allow them to remove the bodies from the camp. They just gave …

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The Little Rock Nine

           The Little Rock Nine They Only Wanted To Go To School…   Thelma Mothershed, Elizabeth Eckford, Melba Pattillo, Jefferson Thomas, Ernest Green, Minnijean Brown, Carlotta Walls, Terrence Roberts, Gloria Ray.    By Dale Ricardo Shields   Little Rock, Arkansas September 4, 1957 The original plan was to have the nine children arrive together, but when the …

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Emmett Louis Till

Emmett Louis Till by Dale Ricardo Shields                  A Muddy Path and Bloody River of Research…                              A Forever Murderous  Undertow of Lies, Racism, and Murder… Page 1 – 20 Emmett Louis Till ( Born – July 25, …

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