Tag: Whoopi Goldberg

Emmett Louis Till

Emmett Louis Till by Dale Ricardo Shields                  A Muddy Path and Bloody River of Research…                              A Forever Murderous  Undertow of Lies, Racism, and Murder… Page 1 – 20 Emmett Louis Till ( Born – July 25, …

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The Mammy Archetype‏: A Black Maiden Syndrome

Media Depictions of the Mammy Archetype by Dale Ricardo Shields‏ The Mammy archetype is one of the most notable Black stereotypes and caricatures which exist in American culture. “In reality, the pancake mix was the creation of two White men in Missouri, and they named it after a character in a minstrel song, not an …

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Hattie McDaniel – (Actress)

  HATTIE  McDANIEL 1895 – 1952 ______________________________________ By Dale Ricardo Shields  All Rights Reserved – iforcolor.org “Why should I complain about making seven hundred dollars a week playing a maid? If I didn’t, I’d be making seven dollars a week actually being one”  ~*~ [ We only need 99 more signatures to reach the next …

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Melony McGant

    Melony McGant                  by Dale Ricardo Shields    ****** Melony McGant is a poet, humanist and compassionate communications professional with more than twenty years of experience in assisting both people and organizations discover and promote their professional or personal life missions. She has a strong track record of …

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