Tag: Getty Images

Pura Fé

Pura Fé  MUSICIAN/SINGER/COMPOSER/ACTIVIST  Pura Fé, whose name means “Pure Faith,” was born in New York City and an heir to the Tuscarora Indian Nation. She is an artist, an activist, and much more.    by DALE RICARDO SHIELDS  ~Singer, songwriter, musician, poet, artist, dancer, actor, teacher, and activist.~ This “Renaissance woman” is the founding member …

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The Scottsboro Boys

  The Scottsboro Boys  The nine African American teenagers were falsely accused of raping two White women in (1931) Alabama.   by DALE RICARDO SHIELDS    “No case has ever caused so much protest or outrage in the history of the United States.” An American Tragedy: The Scottsboro Boys’ Trial SCOTTSBORO BOYS TRIAL AND DEFENSE …

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Hattie McDaniel – (Actress)

  HATTIE  McDANIEL 1895 – 1952 ______________________________________ By Dale Ricardo Shields  All Rights Reserved – iforcolor.org “Why should I complain about making seven hundred dollars a week playing a maid? If I didn’t, I’d be making seven dollars a week actually being one”  ~*~ [ We only need 99 more signatures to reach the next …

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