Tag: Michele Shay


  WALTER DALLAS DIRECTOR – MUSICIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER – PLAYWRIGHT – PROFESSOR  *~  September 15, 1946 – May 3, 2020  ~* By Dale Ricardo Shields   Page 1 – 11 Winner, Best Director Award, of the New York “Viv” Award for                                      …

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VICTOR LOVE by Dale Ricardo Shields   YES,  I  CAN!  As I let go of what I think I should look like, sound like, I am celebrating the me that I never knew.  Victor Love was born on August 4th, 1957 in Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Victor Love is an actor who always wanted to be the best. To …

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Erich McMillan-McCall

Erich McMillan-McCall          “God gives nothing to those who keep their arms crossed.” – African Proverb    By Dale Ricardo Shields “There are so many unsung heroes who have paved the way for so many of us to become the people we are today. They are the everyday people who inspire and …

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